齐萨王宫 是一座城堡,位于意大利南部西西里首府巴勒莫的西部,是世界遗产项目巴勒莫的阿拉伯-诺曼风格建筑群以及切法卢主教座堂和蒙雷阿莱主教座堂中包含的一座建筑。
The traditional market of Palermo offers fresh fish and produce from Sicily. Packed with tourists but locals still shop there.
甘恰圣母堂 是一座15世纪罗马天主教教堂,毗邻一个修道院,位于意大利南部西西里首府巴勒莫市中心 Alloro街27 号。
圣方济各圣殿 是意大利西西里巴勒莫一个重要的罗马天主教教堂。它位于巴勒莫历史中心的卡尔萨区 ,该市的东西主轴线,古老的卡萨罗街 ,即埃马努埃莱街 旁。该建筑是方济各会在西西里的主要教堂,拥有宗座圣殿的称号。
切法卢主教座堂 是位于意大利西西里岛切法卢的一座罗马天主教的教堂。大教堂建设于1131年,外观呈现诺曼式建筑的风格。西西里岛在1091年就已经被诺曼人占领。切法卢大教堂不仅建筑本身颇具代表性,教堂内的马赛克等艺术品也具有很高价值。
The Villa Palagonia is a patrician villa in Bagheria, 15 km from Palermo, in Sicily, southern Italy.
圣卡塔尔多教堂 是西西里首府巴勒莫的一座教堂,位于贝利尼广场 ,是典型的诺曼建筑。这座教堂毗邻海军元帅圣母教堂 。
The Antonino Salinas Regional Archeological Museum is a museum in Palermo, Italy.
A charming and ornat villa housing a collection of old movie posters as well as a museum dedicated to the artist Renato Gattuso.
The Cuba is a recreational palace in the Sicilian city of Palermo, originally part of the Sollazzi Regi group of Norman palaces.
An enchanting 18th century villa with a quiant garden, built in Classicist style. The garden is a superb place for relaxation.
A busy restaurant popular among locals. There's a restaurant upstairs and a fast-food joint downstairs.
圣奥斯定堂 是意大利巴勒莫的一座哥特式教堂,位于历史中心塞拉尔卡迪奥区 ,靠近Capo市场。该堂又名 Santa Rita, 因为供奉这位奥斯定会圣人。
The challenging hike will reward you with the stunning ruins of an ancient castle and a wonderful view of the town below.
The Fontana del Genio a Villa Giulia or Genio di Villa Giulia is a sculpted water fountain in the park of the Villa Giulia in Palermo.
A charming little museum with a fascinating collection of Arabic and Greek ceramics, as well as a broad exhibiton of paintings, old coins…