The Former National Congress Building is the former home of the Chilean Congress.
The Teatro Municipal, National Opera of Chile is the most important stage theatre and opera house in Santiago, Chile.
The Santiago Baháʼí House of Worship or Santiago Baháʼí Temple is a Baháʼí House of Worship located in Santiago, Chile that opened in 2016.
Pueblito Los Dominicos is a crafts market and popular tourist shopping destination in a heritage zone of Santiago, Chile.
贝尔纳多·奥希金斯将军解放者大道, 俗称 阿拉米达 ,是智利圣地亚哥城市中心的一条主干道,东西走向,长7.77公里, 双向5车道。 以智利的国父贝尔纳多·奥希金斯命名。它最初是马波乔河的一条支流。
Take a guided tour in the pioneering winery that has become legendary ever since. Very knowledgeable staff.
拉斯孔德斯 ,是智利的城镇,位于该国中部圣地亚哥首都大区的圣地亚哥省,始建于1901年8月26日,面积99平方公里,海拔高度709米,2012年人口282,972人,人口密度每平方公里2,524.2人。
殖民博物馆 是位于智利首都圣地亚哥市中心的一座历史、文化和宗教博物馆,设于圣方济各堂隔壁的修道院内。博物馆收藏智利和南美洲殖民地时期的藏品,包括绘画、雕塑、家具和其他物品,其中许多都是宗教作品,创作于殖民地首都秘鲁。博物馆还设有尺寸巨大的方济各会谱系图,包括644幅微型肖像。
Barrio Suecia is a section of Santiago, Chile, centered on Calle Suecia, in the upscale Providencia municipality, which once included many…
La Parva is a town and ski resort located about 50 km northeast of the Chilean capital of Santiago.
戴维·阿雷利亚诺纪念碑球场 是一座位于智利圣地亚哥马库尔的足球体育场。球场为科洛科洛竞技俱乐部的主场,现观众容量为47,347人。
A hub of bohemian night life that offers something for everyone. Live music is common here.
Quillaja saponaria, the soap bark tree or soapbark, is an evergreen tree in the family Quillajaceae, native to warm temperate central Chile.
Quillaja saponaria, the soap bark tree or soapbark, is an evergreen tree in the family Quillajaceae, native to warm temperate central Chile.
费尔南多·博特罗·安古洛 是哥伦比亚麦德林出身的具象画家和雕塑家。他的作品充满着一种形体饱满的夸张感,这种标志性艺术特色也被称为“博特罗风格” 。他也因此被誉为拉丁美洲最知名的现代艺术家之一。
Quillaja saponaria, the soap bark tree or soapbark, is an evergreen tree in the family Quillajaceae, native to warm temperate central Chile.