手洞 是位于阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚地区平图拉斯河 附近的一个山洞。洞中有许多远古人类留下的谜一般的手印和其他图画,亦被音译为洛斯马诺斯岩画。
Viedma Glacier is a large glacier that is part of the huge Southern Patagonian Ice Field, located at the southern end of mainland South…
里奥加耶戈斯 是阿根廷圣克鲁斯省的首府,座落在加耶戈斯河的入海口,人口约80k,海拔20米,距离布宜诺斯艾利斯2,636公里。温带大陆性半干旱气候。年降水量250~300mm,最冷月份平均温度约2°C。
The Laguna Torre lake is located in the Los Glaciares National Park, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.
The National University of Austral Patagonia is an Argentine national university in Santa Cruz Province.
Belgrano Lake is a lake in the Santa Cruz Province of Patagonia, Argentina.
The National University of Austral Patagonia is an Argentine national university in Santa Cruz Province.