Amalia Glacier, also known as Skua Glacier, is a tidewater glacier located in Bernardo O'Higgins National Park on the edge of the Sarmiento…
Cueva del Milodón Natural Monument is a Natural Monument located in the Chilean Patagonia, 24 km northwest of Puerto Natales and 270 km…
合恩角 是南美洲智利火地群岛南端的陆岬,位于合恩岛,被广泛认为是南美洲的最南端。它的座标是南纬55度59分00秒;西经67度17分00秒。这里的天气长达半年以上有下雪机会。
菲茨罗伊峰 位于南美洲南巴塔哥尼亚冰原,阿根廷与智利交界处,海拔3359米,相对高度1951米。菲茨罗伊峰险峻陡峭,且气候多变,常年笼罩在云雾之中,当地的特维尔切人称其为“Chaltén”,意思是“冒烟的山”。
The Salto Grande is a waterfall on the Paine River, after the Nordenskjöld Lake, within the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.
Paine River is a river located in the Magallanes Region of Chile. The river rises from its source in Dickson Lake and flows east for nine…
Grey Lake is a glacially fed lake in Torres del Paine National Park, southern Chile.
The Nao Victoria Museum is a private maritime museum located in Punta Arenas, Chile. It has been open to the public since 1 October 2011.
Tyndall Glacier or Geike Glacier is one of the largest glaciers in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.
Lake Pehoé is a surface water body located in Torres del Paine National Park, in the Magallanes Region of southern Chile.
Seno Otway is a large inland sound lying between Brunswick Peninsula and Riesco Island in southern Chile.
The Fitzroy Channel is a river in the Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region in southern Chile.
Olympian was a large side-wheel inland steamship that operated in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.