斯德哥尔摩王宫 ,或称皇家宫城 ,位于斯德哥尔摩老城北部的瑞典王宫。斯德哥尔摩王宫的历史始于中世纪的三王冠宫,虽然现时王室已经搬出到郊外的卓宁霍姆宫,但斯德哥尔摩王宫仍是瑞典国王的官方居所。
除了用作王室居所的楼层外,王宫其余部分还有其他用途,如古斯塔夫三世文物馆 、宝藏展览厅 、军械展览厅 和位于地底的三王宫博物馆 。1878年之前,王宫的东北翼原为王家图书馆所在地,现时该部分是贝尔纳多特图书馆,称为“图书馆翼” 。1523年,古斯塔夫·瓦萨已经派置卫兵驻守王宫,以维持整个城市 的治安。
The Royal Apartments may close fully or partly in conjunction with official receptions of the royal family.
Guided tours are scheduled in advance (cannot be pre-booked) - for further information, please visit the official website.
Adults: 160 SEK
Children (7 - 17), students: 80 SEK
Children (under 7): free
Guided tour: 30 SEK
The general ticket includes visit to the Royal Apartments, the Treasury and the Tre Kronor Museum within seven days. From 15 May to 14 September, Gustav III's Museum of Antiquities is also included.
Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/斯德哥爾摩王宮
Official Website https://theroyalpalace.se/
电子邮件 info.stockholms-slott@royalcourt.se
电话 +46 8 402 61 30
地址 Slottsbacken 4X, 111 30 Stockholm, Sweden
坐标 59°19'36.631" N 18°4'18.249" E