中央车站内有许多商店以及吃东西的地方。您乘坐地铁4,5,6,7,S号线或者巴士M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M42, M98, M101, M102, M104, Q32线很容易就可以到达车站。
Grand tour: daily at 12:30 pm except for Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
Audio-tour guides available on the main course in "GCT TOUR" marked windows daily 9 am - 6 pm.
Free entry.
Grand tour:
Adults: $30
Children (under 10), students, seniors: $20
Audio tours:
Adults: $12
Students: $11
Children, seniors: $10
For the mobile app visit the official website.
Wikipedia https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/大中央總站
Official Website https://www.grandcentralterminal.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/grandcentralnyc
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GrandCentralTerminal
电子邮件 info@grandcentralterminal.com
电话 +1 212 340 2583
地址 East 42nd Street 89, New York, NY 10017
坐标 40°45'9.535" N -73°58'38.189" E