Amalia Glacier, also known as Skua Glacier, is a tidewater glacier located in Bernardo O'Higgins National Park on the edge of the Sarmiento…
Cueva del Milodón Natural Monument is a Natural Monument located in the Chilean Patagonia, 24 km northwest of Puerto Natales and 270 km…
혼곶은 남아메리카 대륙 최남단에 위치한 곶이다. 칠레의 티에라델푸에고 제도에 위치하며, 지명은 네덜란드의 도시인 호른에서 유래하였다.
피츠로이 산은 아르헨티나 칠레 남부 파타고니아 지방 안데스 산맥에 있는 산이다. 해발 3,375m이다. 세계유산에 등록된 로스글라시아레스 국립공원의 일부를 이룬다. 베르나르도 오 히긴스 국립공원에도 위치하고 있다.
The Salto Grande is a waterfall on the Paine River, after the Nordenskjöld Lake, within the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.
Paine River is a river located in the Magallanes Region of Chile. The river rises from its source in Dickson Lake and flows east for nine…
Grey Lake is a glacially fed lake in Torres del Paine National Park, southern Chile.
The Nao Victoria Museum is a private maritime museum located in Punta Arenas, Chile. It has been open to the public since 1 October 2011.
Lautaro Volcano is an active subglacial stratovolcano located in Chilean Patagonia, in the northern part of the Southern Patagonian Ice…
The Nordenskjöld is a lake in Torres del Paine National Park in the Magallanes Region, southern Chile.
Reclus, also written as Reclús, is a volcano located in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, Chile.
Tyndall Glacier or Geike Glacier is one of the largest glaciers in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.
Lake Pehoé is a surface water body located in Torres del Paine National Park, in the Magallanes Region of southern Chile.
Seno Otway is a large inland sound lying between Brunswick Peninsula and Riesco Island in southern Chile.
The Fitzroy Channel is a river in the Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region in southern Chile.
Olympian was a large side-wheel inland steamship that operated in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.