De westmuur, klaagmuur of westelijke muur in Jeruzalem is een gedeelte van de muur in de Oude Stad die het plateau omringt en ondersteunt…
De Citadel van de stad, bekend als de Toren van David, dateert meer dan 2.700 jaar geleden.
De Heilig Grafkerk of Verrijzeniskerk is een christelijke kerk in de ommuurde oude stad in Jeruzalem.
De Gouden Poort is een van de poorten in de stadsmuur rond de Oude Stad van Jeruzalem.
De Rotskoepel, soms de Rotskoepelmoskee genoemd, is een islamitisch schrijn op de Tempelberg/Haram al-Sharif in de Oude Stad van Jeruzalem.
The Chapel of the Ascension is a chapel and shrine located on the Mount of Olives, in the At-Tur district of Jerusalem.
The Church of the Pater Noster is a Roman Catholic church located on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
Khirbet Qeiyafa is the site of an ancient fortress city overlooking the Elah Valley and dated to the first half of the 10th century BCE.
The Tomb of the Prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi lit. 'Graves the Prophets'; Hebrew: מערת הנביאים "Cave of the Prophets") is an…
The Benedictine monastery in Abu Ghosh is a monastery run by the Olivetan Benedictine order in Abu Ghosh, Israel.
Avshalom Cave, known in academic literature as Soreq Cave and popularly as Stalactites Cave, is a 5,000 m2 cave on the western side of Mt.
Yad Kennedy , located in the Mateh Yehuda Region near Jerusalem, Israel, is a memorial to John F.
Bayt Jiz was a Palestinian Arab village situated on undulating land in the western foothills of the Jerusalem heights, 15 kilometers…
Adullam is an ancient ruin once numbered among the thirty-six cities of Canaan whose kings "Joshua and the children of Israel smote".
Sokho is the name given to two ancient towns in the territorial domain of Judah as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, in what is now the West…