西墙,又名哭墙 ,阿拉伯人称之为布拉克墙 位于耶路撒冷旧城内,圣殿山山下西侧。这是环绕第二圣殿庭院的古城墙的残存部分。在四面墙之中,西墙被认为是当年最靠近圣殿的,使它成为犹太教信仰中除圣殿山本身以外最神圣的地点。
金门是耶路撒冷目前最古老的一座城门。根据犹太人传统,至圣者的同在 总是通过这座门显现,当弥赛亚来临时将再次显现 ,并且一个新的城门会取代目前的城门。因此犹太人常在此门位置祈求怜悯,并因此得名仁慈门…
岩石圆顶 是一个伊斯兰教圣地,穆斯林称为“al-Haram al-Qudsi al-Sharif” ;犹太人和基督徒称为“Har ha-Bayit” ;位于耶路撒冷旧城圣殿山,于阿克萨清真寺近处,是耶路撒冷最著名标志之一。岩石圆顶覆有精美花纹跟古兰经文的蓝色系彩釉陶砖及金制穹顶。
Khirbet Qeiyafa is the site of an ancient fortress city overlooking the Elah Valley and dated to the first half of the 10th century BCE.
The Tomb of the Prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi lit. 'Graves the Prophets'; Hebrew: מערת הנביאים "Cave of the Prophets") is an…
The Benedictine monastery in Abu Ghosh is a monastery run by the Olivetan Benedictine order in Abu Ghosh, Israel.
Avshalom Cave, also known as Soreq Cave or Stalactites Cave, is a 5,000 m2 cave on the western side of Mt.
肯尼迪纪念馆 位于以色列耶路撒冷附近 ,位于海拔825米的山顶,是为纪念在1963年被刺的美国第35届总统约翰·肯尼迪而建。它高18米,形如砍伐的树桩,象征寿命减短。…
Bayt Jiz was a Palestinian Arab village situated on undulating land in the western foothills of the Jerusalem heights, 15 kilometers…
Adullam is an ancient ruin, formerly known by the Arabic appellation ʿAīd el Mâ, built upon a hilltop overlooking the Elah Valley,…
Sokho is the name given to two ancient towns in the territorial domain of Judah as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, in what is now the West…