Mole Antonelliana je významná pamiatka v talianskom meste Turín. Je pomenovaná podľa autora architekta Alessandra Antonelliho.
Královský palác v Turíně, italsky Palazzo Reale di Torino, je budova v italském městě Turín, na náměstí Piazzetta Reale.
Hlavné turínske námestie sa nachádza priamo v centre Starého Mesta. Je tu mnoho reštaurácií, barov, kaviarní a múzeí, takže tu poľahky…
Ak vás zaujímajú múmie a faraoni, choďte sem a navštívte toto múzeum, kde môžete vidieť nespočetné množstvo predmetov zo starého Egypta.
Palazzo Madama e Casaforte degli Acaja is a palace in Turin, Piedmont.
Turínsky dóm, je kostol zasvätený sv. Jánovi Krstiteľovi, hlavný kostol v Turíne v Taliansku.
Palazzo Carignano is a historical building in the centre of Turin, Italy, which houses the Museum of the Risorgimento.
The Santuario della Madonna Consolata is a Roman Catholic Minor Basilica and Marian sanctuary in central Turin, Piedmont, Italy.
The Teatro Regio is a prominent opera house and opera company in Turin, Piedmont, Italy.
The Basilica of Corpus Domini is a Roman Catholic church in Turin, Italy, built to celebrate the "Miracle of the Eucharist" which,…
The National University Library in Turin, Italy, is one of the country's main libraries.
The Royal Armoury of Turin is one of the world's most important collections of arms and armour, formed in Turin by the Savoy family.
The Chapel of the Holy Shroud is a Baroque style Roman Catholic chapel in Turin in northern Italy, constructed to house the Shroud of…
San Francesco d'Assisi is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on via San Francesco d'Assisi in Turin, region of Piedmont, Italy.
The Museum of Oriental Art is a museum located in a 17th-century palazzo in the city of Turin, Italy.
The National Museum of the Italian Risorgimento is the first, the biggest and the most important among the 23 museums in Italy dedicated to…
The Galleria Sabauda is an art collection in the Italian city of Turin, which contains the royal art collections amassed by the House of…
The Turin Museum of Natural History was established in 1978 to house the natural history collections of the University of Turin and other…
This is a must if you're looking for a unique culinary experience. Their dishes are homemade and prepared from local ingredients.
This magnificent building houses the Turin City Administration. Note its simple facade and 19th-century statues.
The Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti is an institution of higher education in Turin, Italy