热舒夫城堡 是波兰城市热舒夫的一座城堡,也是热舒夫的地标之一。这里自16世纪开始就有城堡。现在的城堡修建于1902年至1906年。重建之后至1981年期间,该建筑曾被用作监狱。现在热舒夫城堡用作省法院。卢博米尔斯基宫位于城堡附近。
St. Paraskevi Church in Radruż is a Gothic, wooden church from the sixteenth-century located in the village of Radruż, Poland, which…
巴拉诺夫桑多米尔斯基城堡 是位于波兰东南部喀尔巴阡山省的一座城堡。这座城堡是波兰最重要的风格主义建筑之一。城堡又有小瓦维尔山之称。据波兰法律,该城堡被列入零级纪念建筑。现在这座城堡是一座博物馆、酒店、会议中心。
Kamieniec Castle - a fourteenth-century, Gothic castle ruin and in the sixteenth-century expanded in the Renaissance form.
Mother of God Church in Chotyniec is a Gothic wooden church located in the village of Chotyniec from the seventeenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Turzańsk is a nineteenth-century wooden church located in the village of Turzańsk.
Assumption of Holy Mary Church in Haczów - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Haczów from the fifteenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Smolnik - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Smolnik from the eighteenth-century, which…
All Saints Church in Blizne - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Blizne from the fifteenth-century, which together with…