Franzensburg is a medieval style castle in Laxenburg, Lower Austria, Austria.
Burg Kreuzenstein is a castle near Leobendorf in Lower Austria, Austria. Burg Kreuzenstein is 265 metres above sea level.
塞默灵铁路 是奥地利的一处人文名胜遗迹,在早期的铁路修建中体现了高超的技术,被认为是铁路建筑史上的里程碑。今天已经发展成为当地风景名胜区,并形成了一处文化景区。
克洛斯特新堡修道院 是位于奥地利下奥地利州城镇克洛斯特新堡的一座修道院。克洛斯特新堡修道院于1114年由利奥波德三世和他的第二任妻子主持修建。
斯坦因门 是位于奥地利瓦豪谷地多瑙河畔克雷姆斯一座保存完好的古城门,被认为是这座城市的标志性建筑,直至今日多瑙河畔克雷姆斯市区还有两座城门:Kremser Tor和Linzer Tor。城门最初建立于15世纪末期,但后来改为巴洛克式风格…
海登赖希施泰因城堡 是奥地利下奥地利州的一座城堡。伯格海登赖希施泰因海拔556米。城堡最古老的部分可以追溯到12世纪。这座城堡最近由金斯基家族 继承。
Schloss Rohrau is a castle in the town of Rohrau in Lower Austria, bordering on Burgenland.
Burg Hardegg is a castle in Lower Austria, Austria. Burg Hardegg is 317 metres above sea level.
Carnuntum was a Roman legionary fortress and headquarters of the Pannonian fleet from 50 AD.
Burg Rappottenstein is a castle in Rappottenstein, Lower Austria, Austria. Burg Rappottenstein is 683 metres above sea level.
Burg Plankenstein is a castle in Lower Austria, Austria. Burg Plankenstein is 657 metres above sea level.
Heiligenkreuz Abbey is a Cistercian monastery in the village of Heiligenkreuz in the southern part of the Vienna woods, c. 13 km north-west…
Burgruine Kaja is a castle in Lower Austria, Austria.
Burgruine Starhemberg was a castle in Lower Austria, Austria. Built in the 1140s, the castle fell into ruins by the late 19th century.
Burg Raabs an der Thaya is a castle in municipality Raabs an der Thaya, Lower Austria, Austria, built in the second half of the 11th…
阿尔滕堡修道院 是一间位于阿尔滕堡的本笃会寺庙。修道院在瓦尔德威尔特尔的多瑙河畔克雷姆斯以北约30公里。修道院原先在1144年被Poigen-Rebgau的海德堡伯爵夫人…
Seitenstetten Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in Seitenstetten in the Mostviertel region of Lower Austria.
The Myra Falls are located in a ravine in the municipality of Muggendorf in the Austrian federal state of Lower Austria.
Geras Abbey is a Premonstratensian monastery in Geras in Lower Austria.