The Chinese Garden is a Chinese garden in the Swiss city of Zürich. It is a gift from Zürich's Chinese partner town Kunming, dedicated to…
日内瓦花钟 位于该市英国花园的西部边缘,制作于1955年,是该市的标志。它直径5米,曾经是世界最大的花钟,直到2005年伊朗德黑兰出现直径15米的花钟
The Botanical Garden of the University of Zurich is a botanical garden in the Swiss city of Zurich.
Zürichhorn is a river delta on Zürichsee's eastern shore in the lower basin of the lake.
A geological museum, glacier garden and a mirror maze. Located next to the Lion Monument, an attraction for the whole family.
The Bern Botanical Garden is a botanical garden located in Bern, the capital city of Switzerland.The garden is listed as a cultural…
On January 1, 2023, the cantonal botanical gardens and museum merged to become a department of the Naturéum, Switzerland's natural science…
伯尔尼玫瑰园 是伯尔尼老城以东、阿勒河对岸高地上的一座公园,由于其居高临下,是俯瞰伯尔尼老城的最佳地点之一。