希尔特峰 又译雪朗峰、雪特洪峰,为瑞士中部伯尔尼山中的一座山峰,海拔2970米。其周围有少女峰、铁力士峰等著名山峰,是观赏这些山峰的很好的观景点。山顶建有观景台和全景观旋转餐厅Piz Gloria,可乘缆车直达顶峰。007系列电影中的曾在Piz Gloria进行拍摄。
哈德昆景观台 或称哈德昆、哈德库尔姆,是一个位于瑞士伯恩台地,海拔1,322米高的景观点,能够俯瞰因特拉肯和下森。景观台位于哈德昆山的西端,哈德昆山本身是布里恩茨湖北岸约30公里长的突出山脉,山脊被森林覆盖。
琉森文化和会议中心 位于瑞士琉森,是一个多功能的建筑,其音乐厅具有高质量的声学效果,由此被评价为世界百大厅院之一。
Hiltl Restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant in Switzerland. The restaurant holds the Guinness world record for being the oldest continuously…
The Zunfthaus zur Meisen is the guild house of the Zunft zur Meisen. It is one of the many historically valuable buildings in the Lindenhof…
Enjoy beautiful views over the valley as well as Matterhorn. You can get here by a cable car and then walk down.
米格罗集团 是瑞士最大的零售公司,也是财富世界500强之一。其旗下拥有瑞士各类产业形态,包含连锁超市、百货商厦、药店、电器行、酒店、旅游中介、教育及金融等。
Hohenklingen Castle is a castle in the municipality of Stein am Rhein of the Canton of Schaffhausen in Switzerland.
The Tropenhaus in Frutigen, Switzerland, is a commercial project using geothermal energy from hot water flowing out of the Lötschberg base…
福尔峰 ,是瑞士的山峰,位于该国南部,由伯恩州负责管辖,属于伯尔尼兹阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分,处于伯尔尼台地,海拔高度2,681米。
Lukmanier Pass is a pass in the Swiss Alps.
Müller's Posthotel is located at an altitude of 1130 metres above sea level in the village of Oberiberg and offers accommodation units with…
Located in Balgach, a 5-minute drive from the Rhein River and the Austrian Border, the hotel Bad Balgach features a restaurant serving…