圣母大殿 是波兰城市克拉科夫的一座砖砌哥特式教堂,兴建于14世纪,位于中央集市广场。高80米,以法伊特·施托斯的哥特式木制祭坛而著称。
圣伯多禄圣保禄堂 是位于波兰克拉科夫老城的天主教会教堂,也是该市 第一座纯粹的巴洛克风格建筑。位于Grodzka街54号。它由齐格蒙特三世为耶稣会建于1597–1619年。1635年7月8日祝圣。它在克拉科夫的老教堂中座位数最多。
圣亚纳协同教堂 是波兰城市克拉科夫的一座教堂。这座教堂是波兰巴洛克式建筑的代表作之一,其历史可追溯至14世纪。圣亚纳教堂首次被提及是在1381年。1407年,圣亚纳教堂被大火烧毁,但之后按哥特式风格重建。1689年,哥特式教堂被拆除,取而代之的是现在的巴洛克式教堂。
圣弥额尔圣达尼老圣殿 位于波兰克拉科夫,是一座罗马天主教宗座圣殿,波兰最著名的朝圣地之一。
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Dębno is a Roman Catholic Gothic-wooden church located in the Polish Goral village of Dębno from the…
St. Michael Archangel's Church is a Roman Catholic Gothic-wooden church located in the village of Binarowa, southeast Poland, dating from…
Saints Philip and James Church is a Gothic, wooden church in the village of Sękowa from the 15th century.
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Brunary is a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Brunary from the eighteenth-century, which…
Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Church in Owczary is a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Owczary from the seventeenth…
St. James Church is a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Powroźnik, southern Poland.
St. Paraskevi Church in Kwiatoń - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Kwiatoń from the nineteenth-century, which together with…
St. Leonard's Church in Lipnica Murowana - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Lipnica Murowana from the fifteenth-century,…
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ludźmierz in Ludźmierz, Poland is home to Our Lady of Ludźmierz, known as the Shepherdess of Podhale or in…
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Miechów, Poland, is a 14th-century Gothic basilica, with a nave and two aisles, incorporating some 13th…
St. Paraskevi Church in Kwiatoń - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Kwiatoń from the nineteenth-century, which together with…