中央集市广场 是波兰城市克拉科夫旧城区的主要广场,形成于1257年。其面积为40,000 m²,是欧洲最大的中世纪广场之一。
圣母大殿 是波兰城市克拉科夫的一座砖砌哥特式教堂,兴建于14世纪,位于中央集市广场。高80米,以法伊特·施托斯的哥特式木制祭坛而著称。
The ruins of Czorsztyn Castle are located in the southernmost part of Poland in Czorsztyn, at Czorsztyn Lake within Pieniny National Park…
Rabsztyn Castle is a preserved Gothic ruined castle located in the Polish Jura within the Eagles' Nests Trail, in the village of Rabsztyn,…
新松奇城堡 是位于波兰城市新松奇的一座中世纪时期的城堡。这座城堡的部分建筑的历史可以追溯至14世纪卡齐米日三世统治时期。
Bydlin Castle is a fourteenth-century castle ruins, located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland.
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska park is a Mannerist architectural and park landscape complex and pilgrimage park, built in the 17th century as the…
Saints Philip and James Church is a Gothic, wooden church in the village of Sękowa from the 15th century.
St. Leonard's Church in Lipnica Murowana - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Lipnica Murowana from the fifteenth-century,…
约瑟夫·贝姆 波兰工程师兼将军,奥斯曼帝国帕夏和波兰和匈牙利的民族英雄,在波兰以外的多地作战,曾参与1848年匈牙利革命。他与欧洲其他爱国运动,如塔德乌什·柯斯丘什科和扬·亨利克·东布罗夫斯基领导的运动有一定联系。
滕津城堡 是波兰的一座中世纪时期的城堡,位于小波兰村庄滕津。这座城堡由滕津斯基家族修建。在17世纪时,滕津城堡曾被瑞典军队劫掠,此后陷入荒废。现在这座城堡是一个观光景点。
Paszkówka Palace - a nineteenth-century Gothic Revival Wężyków family palace located in the village of Paszkówka, located in Lesser Poland…
A lime kiln is a kiln used for the calcination of limestone to produce the form of lime called quicklime.