欧罗巴角 是位于英国海外领土直布罗陀最南端的一个海岬。欧罗巴角地形平坦,可自直布罗陀市区通过公路抵达,是直布罗陀主要观光景点之一。2011年,直布罗陀政府对欧罗巴角的设施进行了翻新。
St. Michael's Cave or Old St. Michael's Cave is the name given to a network of limestone caves located within the Upper Rock Nature…
The Gibraltar Cross of Sacrifice is a war memorial in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
直布罗陀缆车 是直布罗陀的缆车交通系统。缆车在山麓一侧的车站靠近主街南端。山顶一侧的车站则接近直布罗陀岩的顶点。直布罗陀缆车开通于1966年,最近一次大修是在1986年。2007年,直布罗陀缆车增加了可举办婚礼的设施。
The Great Siege Tunnels in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar, also known as the Upper Galleries, are a series of tunnels inside…
Eastern Beach is a sandy beach and settlement on the northeastern coast of the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
The Grand Casemates is a building in Grand Casemates Square, Gibraltar, that was originally a fortified barracks and casemate.
Catalan Bay is a bay and fishing village in Gibraltar, on the eastern side of The Rock away from Westside.
Parson's Lodge Battery is a coastal battery and fort in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
The Rock Hotel, also known as Rock Hotel, is a historic hotel in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Europe is a Roman Catholic parish church and national shrine of Gibraltar located at Europa Point.
The Queensway Quay Marina is one of three marinas in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar, at the southern end of the Iberian…
Visit this quiet reminder of the Trafalgar battle and of all those deceased for the colony. Beautifully carved tombstones.
直布罗陀海峡 是位于欧洲与非洲之间,分隔大西洋与地中海的海峡,其名取自伊比利半岛南端的直布罗陀,虽然海峡两岸理应为西班牙和摩洛哥两国分别对望,但直布罗陀本地却是属于英国海外领土,形成三国鼎立的局势。水深300米,最窄处宽14…
直布罗陀湾 是西班牙的海湾,位于伊比利亚半岛南端,长10公里、宽8公里,面积75平方公里,最大水深400米,南面是直布罗陀海峡和地中海。
The Europa Point Lighthouse, also referred to as the Trinity Lighthouse at Europa Point and the Victoria Tower or La Farola in Llanito, is…