지브롤터 바위산은 지브롤터 반도의 남북으로 길게 뻗어 반도의 중심을 이루는 바위산이다. 최고 높이는 426m이며 '헤라클레스의 기둥'으로도 불린다.
Europa Point, is the southernmost point of Gibraltar. Although not the southernmost point of the Iberian Peninsula, Europa Point defines the…
Main Street is the main arterial street in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar.
The Gibraltar Cross of Sacrifice is a war memorial in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
지브롤터 케이블카는 지브롤터의 삭도이다. 케이블카의 주요 역은 지브롤터 정원 옆 메인 스트리트의 남쪽 끝에 위치하고 있다.
The Great Siege Tunnels in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar, also known as the Upper Galleries, are a series of tunnels inside…
고르함 동굴은 지브롤터에 있는 동굴이다. 이 지역은 3만년전에 네안데르탈인이 거주하였으며 이를 입증하는 고고학적 유물들이 발굴되었다. 본래 스페인의 영토였으나, 스페인 왕위 계승 전쟁 과정에서 영국이 점령하였고 실효지배 하고 있다. 2016년…
Eastern Beach is a sandy beach and settlement on the northeastern coast of the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
The Grand Casemates is a building in Grand Casemates Square, Gibraltar, that was originally a fortified barracks and casemate.
Catalan Bay is a bay and fishing village in Gibraltar, on the eastern side of The Rock away from Westside.
The Ibrahim-al-Ibrahim Mosque, also known as the King Fahd bin Abdulaziz al-Saud Mosque or the Mosque of the Custodian of the Two Holy…
Parson's Lodge Battery is a coastal battery and fort in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
The Rock Hotel, also known as Rock Hotel, is a historic hotel in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Europe is a Roman Catholic parish church and national shrine of Gibraltar located at Europa Point.
The Queensway Quay Marina is one of three marinas in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar, at the southern end of the Iberian…
Visit this quiet reminder of the Trafalgar battle and of all those deceased for the colony. Beautifully carved tombstones.
지브롤터 해협은 대서양과 지중해를 경계짓는 해협이다. 해협의 북쪽은 유럽에 속하는 이베리아반도, 남쪽은 아프리카가 자리잡고 있다. 가장 폭이 좁은 곳의 거리는 14km, 수심이 가장 깊은 곳의 깊이는 300m이다. 가장 폭이 넓은 곳은 58km이다.
Europa Point, is the southernmost point of Gibraltar. At the end of the Rock of Gibraltar, the area is flat and occupied by such features as…
The Bay of Gibraltar, is a bay at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula.
The Europa Point Lighthouse, also referred to as the Trinity Lighthouse at Europa Point and the Victoria Tower or La Farola in Llanito, is…