圣马可大教堂 是位于智利北部城市阿里卡的一座天主教堂。
Morro de Arica is a steep hill located in the Chilean city of Arica. Its height is 139 metres above sea level.
Azapa Valley is a fertile and narrow oasis in Arica y Parinacota Region, Chile.
One of the few beaches suitable for swimming in the town. It's surrounded by pubs, restaurants, and clubs.
Set in the place of an important battle in 1982, it's a great opportunity to learn something about the history. Great view of the sea.
帕里纳科塔火山 是位于智利与玻利维亚边界上的复式火山,为内瓦多斯·德·帕亚查塔火山群的一部分。海拔6348米。目前没有这座火山喷发的直接记录,推测最近一次活动发生在公元290年 。帕里纳科塔火山有发育良好的火山口。其北部坐落有一姊妹火山珀木拉普火山。
The Battle of Arica, also known as Assault and Capture of Cape Arica, was a battle in the War of the Pacific.
The first USS Wateree was a sidewheel gunboat in the United States Navy during the American Civil War.