科尔卡峡谷 是秘鲁南部安地斯山脉科尔卡河的一个峡谷,位于阿雷基帕西北部约160千米 。深度约为1000-2000米,它是世界上最深的峡谷之一,它的长度约为70千米 。峡谷现今依旧有印加帝国建立前就已定居的居民,以及西班牙殖民时代建立的城镇。
In December 2000, UNESCO declared the historical center of Arequipa a World Heritage Site, stating the following:
阿雷基帕圣殿主教座堂 位于秘鲁第二大城市阿雷基帕的武器广场,是天主教阿雷基帕总教区的主教座堂,也是秘鲁自西班牙征服以来最著名的教堂之一。
A lovely church built of ashlar stone in Baroque style. This beauty, rebuilt after being destroyed by an earthquake, looks spectacular.
This church from the 17th century boasts an outstanding front facade and some of the best pictures and altars in the city.