圣路济亚山是圣地亚哥-德智利中心的一个小山丘。南面是解放者贝尔纳多·奥希金斯大道,西为圣路济亚街,东为Victoria Subercaseaux 。相邻的圣地亚哥地铁车站以其命名。圣路济亚山海拔629米,超出周边地区69米。圣路济亚山是一个 1500万年火山的残余。
Set next to the Valley of the Moon, it has a similiar surface resembling the moon. Incredible views and surroundings, a must-see.
圣克里斯托瓦尔山 是智利圣地亚哥北部的一座小山。海拔高度850米,相对高度约300米;这座山峰是该市第三高峰,仅次于曼奎胡艾山 和伦卡山 。圣克里斯托瓦尔山由西班牙征服者以圣基道霍命名,作为地标使用。其原名为“图帕胡艾” 。
Marvel at the beautiful lakes in the area which was declared a Wetland of International Importance. A must-see if you're visiting the desert.
Enjoy the glorious sunrise or sunset while observing the pink flamingos who live in this lagoon. It's a part of the nature reserve.
Explore this unique wooded area with an oasis. There are even pools suitable for swimming.
Ojos del Caburgua is a waterfall located 15 kilometers east of Pucón and four kilometers south of Caburgua Lake in the region of Aracaunía…
The Pincheira brothers was an infamous royalist outlaw group in Chile and Argentina active from 1818 to 1832.
Morro de Arica is a steep hill located in the Chilean city of Arica. Its height is 139 metres above sea level.
Paine River is a river located in the Magallanes Region of Chile. The river rises from its source in Dickson Lake and flows east for nine…