你可以从角落里闻到这个市场的味道 - 每天在这里出售的鱼的数量令人难以置信。钓鱼是智利的典型产业,这个市场证明了这一点。来这里尝试一下典型的智利海鲜菜肴。
Barrio Bellavista is an area that lies between the Mapocho River and San Cristóbal Hill in Santiago, Chile.
Wulff Castle is a historic castle overlooking the sea in Viña del Mar, Chile. It was built in 1906 for the Wulff family.
Pukará de Quitor is a pre-Columbian archaeological site in northern Chile.
Amalia Glacier, also known as Skua Glacier, is a tidewater glacier located in Bernardo O'Higgins National Park on the edge of the Sarmiento…
Estación Mapocho is a former railway station that, since 1994, has been refitted as a cultural centre that hosts many kinds of events.
这座巨大的智利国旗可以在位于Plaza delaCiudadanía和Plaza Bulnes之间的61米高的钢制旗杆上熠熠生辉。它是在2010年为纪念智利独立开始200周年而提出的。这条27米长,19米宽的旗帜应该象征着兄弟情谊,自由和对更美好未来的希望。
阿塔卡马巨人地表画像 是智利阿塔卡马沙漠一幅类似人物图案的地上巨画。座标位置:南纬19°56'56",西经69°37'59"。
Ahu Tongariki is the largest ahu on Easter Island. Its moais were toppled during the island's civil wars, and in the twentieth century the…
Tulor is an archaeological site located in the Norte Grande natural region of the Antofagasta Region, Chile near San Pedro de Atacama.
甚大望远镜 为欧洲南方天文台在智利建造的大型光学望远镜,由4台相同的8.2米口径望远镜组成,组合的等效口径可达130米。4台望远镜既可以单独使用,也可以组成光学干涉仪进行高分辨率观测。甚大望远镜位于智利安托法加斯塔以南130千米的帕瑞纳天文台,海拔高度为2…
The Salto Grande is a waterfall on the Paine River, after the Nordenskjöld Lake, within the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.
可见光和红外巡天望远镜 是位于智利帕瑞纳天文台的一座口径4.1米的反射望远镜。它属于欧洲南方天文台,在2009年12月开光,是世界上最大的近红外巡天望远镜。可见光和红外巡天望远镜只有一个仪器:VIRCAM…
Ahu Akivi is a particular sacred place in Rapa Nui in the Valparaíso Region of Chile, looking out towards the Pacific Ocean.
复活节岛 ,又称拉帕努伊 ,另有依照英语音译为伊斯特岛 ,是南太平洋中的一个岛屿,位于智利以西外海约3600到3700千米处,座标为27°09′S…