佛罗里达街 是阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的一条热门的购物街。自1971年辟为步行街。
雅典人书店 是一间书店,位于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,曾被卫报选为全世界第二美的书店,同时这间书店已经发展成连锁品牌,于罗萨里奥及圣米格尔…
Feria de San Telmo is an antique fair that takes place in the barrio of San Telmo, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The gallery is set in a beautiful old building decorated with frescoes. You'll find many famous stores here, including Ralph Lauren or Dior.
Puente del Inca is a natural arch that forms a bridge over the Las Cuevas River, a tributary of the Mendoza River.
科连特斯大道 是阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的一条主干道。与平行的圣菲大道、科尔多瓦大道和圣胡安大道一样,它的名字来自阿根廷的一个省份 。
Patio Olmos is an architecturally significant shopping gallery in Córdoba, Argentina, and the city's most important.