糖面包山 是一座位于巴西里约热内卢市瓜纳巴拉湾中一座海拔1299英尺的山峰,为里约热内卢的重要地标,经常被拿来和里约热内卢基督像并列。糖面包山之所以名为糖面包山,传说是早期先民们依它的形状,有如一块面包头,以原住民语言的谐音,来取名为Pão de…
Atacadão is a Brazilian wholesale hypermarket. It was established by Alcides Parizotto and then became property of the Lima family and the…
As of December 2005, Extra has 76 stores. Some of these stores came from the acquisitions of Paes Mendonça and Sendas by the group.
As of December 2005, Extra has 76 stores. Some of these stores came from the acquisitions of Paes Mendonça and Sendas by the group.
As of December 2005, Extra has 76 stores. Some of these stores came from the acquisitions of Paes Mendonça and Sendas by the group.