缤纷主教堂是巴西巴伊亚萨尔瓦多的最著名的天主教教堂。它建于18世纪,位于萨尔瓦多下城的Itapagipe半岛的一座山上。该教堂是萨尔瓦多人虔诚祈祷之所,也是每年一月举办的一个著名庆典 之所。
The São Francisco Church and Convent of Salvador is located in the historical centre of Salvador, in the State of Bahia, Brazil.
坎德拉里亚教堂 巴西里约热内卢一座重要的罗马天主教老教堂,建于1775-1811年。该堂的立面为巴洛克风格,内部则兼有新古典主义和新文艺复兴元素,其灵感源于葡萄牙马夫拉宫。
非裔玫瑰圣母教堂 是位于巴西巴伊亚萨尔瓦多的一座教堂,建于十八世纪,为联合国教科文组织世界遗产萨尔瓦多历史中心的一部分。
圣本笃修道院 是巴西圣保罗的一座天主教修道院,创建于1598年7月14日 。目前的建筑建于1910-1914年。
The Our Lady of Exile and St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral Also Florianópolis Cathedral It is a Catholic church dedicated to Our Lady…
圣方济各堂 俗称潘普利亚教堂 是一座小圣堂,位于巴西东南部米纳斯吉拉斯州贝洛奥里藏特的潘普利亚区 。它是由巴西建筑师奥斯卡·尼迈耶设计的现代主义建筑。内部有坎迪多·波尔蒂纳里的壁画,外部有罗伯托·伯尔·马克思设计的景观。该堂是贝洛奥里藏特最著名的明信片场景之一。
The Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat, more commonly known as the Mosteiro de São Bento, is a Benedictine abbey located on the Morro de São…
Igreja Nossa Senhora da Consolação is located in the Consolação neighborhood in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.
One of the popular Niemeyer buildings, a nice small church built for Sara Kubitschek. A very inspiring place.
The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, also known as the São João del Rei Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic Marian Pontifical…
The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Benedict is a Catholic church located in Cuiabá, the capital of the Brazilian state of Mato…
A stunning Baroque Catholic church with some Neo-Classical elements is rich in decorations belongs to the most beautiful churches in Brazil.
The convent used to be an important place during the Colonial times. Nowadays, the two churches make it worth a visit.
A stunning Baroque church and a memory of the Colonial times. The interior is just as lavish as the outside, so do not hesitate to walk in.
The New Apostolic Church is a Christian church that split from the Catholic Apostolic Church during an 1863 schism in Hamburg, Germany.The…
The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Black Men is an 18th-century Roman Catholic church located in São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil.
军中圣母无染原罪堂 是一座建于18世纪的罗马天主教教堂,位于巴西伯南布哥州累西腓历史中心的 Rua Nova,属于天主教奥林达暨累西腓总教区。1941年9月25日,该堂和总主教的夏宫被国家历史与艺术协会列为历史建筑。现在对公众开放。