一个辉煌的室内食品市场,你不应该错过和一个伟大而廉价的方式如何采样巴西产品。即使您不想购买任何东西,也可以考虑参观市场 - 您仍然可以享受这个地方生动的当地氛围,也许有些东西会引起您的注意。
圣保罗人大道 ,或音译为保利斯塔大道,是巴西最大都市圣保罗的一条繁华街道、也是该城最重要的经济与金融中枢、观光景点和娱乐中心之一,长2…
传统的购物中心是最古老的购物中心之一,毗邻Elevator Lacerda,面向All Saints Bay湾。这是购买手工艺品作为纪念品的理想场所。除了手工艺品商店外,还有两家餐厅供应巴伊亚州的传统美食。
Rua 24 Horas is a shopping mall in Curitiba, Brazil.
The place offers all sorts of souvenirs and traditional Pernambuco's handicrafts, such as wood carvings, clay figurines, leather goods, etc.
这个繁忙的购物区拥有自己的特殊氛围。你可以在这里得到任何东西 - 从狂欢节服装到民族工艺品。纪念品购物的好地方。即使您没有购物的心情,您也可以停下来体验繁忙的氛围。
Huge market where you will find any souvenir or gift you can think of. There are also countless food stalls, too.
Barra Shopping is a Brazilian shopping center located in the Barra da Tijuca neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. The center was opened in 1981.
大西洋大道 是巴西里约热内卢一条重要的海滨大道,全长4公里,跨越了科帕卡瓦纳和莱米两个街区。大西洋大道两旁是住宅楼,餐厅,酒店 和一些商店。
The Mercado Adolpho Lisboa, also called Mercado Municipal or Mercadão, is a marketplace located in Manaus, Brazil.
Discover one of the largest shopping malls in the city with more than 200 shops and choose from a number of restaurants.
Considered the best book store in the area by many, the venue offers a vast English-language section with all of the popular genres.
山姆会员商店,简称山姆会员店、山姆店或山姆超市 ,是美国零售商沃尔玛 公司旗下的仓储式商店,于1983年成立,以沃尔玛创始人山姆·沃尔顿 命名。
Barra Shopping is a Brazilian shopping center located in the Barra da Tijuca neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. The center was opened in 1981.
Heart of the historical area and literal centre of the city. Wander around, enjoy window-shopping and special atmosphere of the place.
As of December 2005, Extra has 76 stores. Some of these stores came from the acquisitions of Paes Mendonça and Sendas by the group.