瑞士国家博物馆 ,即苏黎世瑞士国家博物馆,是位于瑞士城市苏黎世的一家博物馆,邻近苏黎世中央车站,是欧洲最重要的文化史博物馆之一。博物馆的建筑修建于1898年。2010年,改名为苏黎世瑞士国家博物馆。现在瑞士国家博物馆已经成为苏黎世重要的观光景点之一。
苏黎世美术馆 是位于瑞士苏黎世的一座美术馆。苏黎世美术馆收藏自中世纪至当代的美术品,并且主要收藏瑞士美术品,是瑞士最重要美术馆之一。苏黎世美术馆的建筑本身也有很高的价值。
Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich, literally succulent plant collection of the city of Zürich, is a botanical garden in the Swiss municipality of…
The Uhrenmuseum Beyer is located in the heart of the city of Zürich, Switzerland, and is one of the world's leading private museums…
Museum just perfect for the children: its collections consist of hundreds of antique toys from the whole Europe.
The Rietberg Museum is a museum in Zürich, Switzerland, displaying Asian, African, American and Oceanian art.
The Zürich Tram Museum is a transport museum in the Swiss city of Zürich, specialising in the history of the Zürich tram system.
Museum rather unusually dedicated to coffee. Comprehensive and catchy exhibition combined with multimedia.
The Migros Museum of Contemporary Art is a museum for contemporary art in Zürich, Switzerland.