In this area, you can go to look for fun, to shop or just to eat some food. There are vendors on the street offering traditional goods.
圣保罗人大道 ,或音译为保利斯塔大道,是巴西最大都市圣保罗的一条繁华街道、也是该城最重要的经济与金融中枢、观光景点和娱乐中心之一,长2…
This shopping mall is one of the largest, with greatest selection in Cancún. High-end brands as well as restaurants and cafés.
佛罗里达街 是阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的一条热门的购物街。自1971年辟为步行街。
这个繁忙的购物区拥有自己的特殊氛围。你可以在这里得到任何东西 - 从狂欢节服装到民族工艺品。纪念品购物的好地方。即使您没有购物的心情,您也可以停下来体验繁忙的氛围。
米拉弗洛雷斯区 是秘鲁的一个区,位于该国西部利马大区的利马省,始建于1857年1月2日,面积9.62平方公里,海拔高度79米,2005年人口92,815,人口密度每平方公里9,600人。
科连特斯大道 是阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的一条主干道。与平行的圣菲大道、科尔多瓦大道和圣胡安大道一样,它的名字来自阿根廷的一个省份 。
Avenida Alvear is an upscale thoroughfare in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Located in the neighbourhood of Recoleta, it extends for seven blocks,…
大西洋大道 是巴西里约热内卢一条重要的海滨大道,全长4公里,跨越了科帕卡瓦纳和莱米两个街区。大西洋大道两旁是住宅楼,餐厅,酒店 和一些商店。
The Jirón de la Unión, or Union Street, is a pedestrian street located in the Historic Centre of Lima, part of the capital of Peru.
Mercado de Sonora is a city-established traditional market, located just southeast of the historic center of Mexico City in the Colonia…
Pueblito Los Dominicos is a crafts market and popular tourist shopping destination in a heritage zone of Santiago, Chile.
The Mercado Adolpho Lisboa, also called Mercado Municipal or Mercadão, is a marketplace located in Manaus, Brazil.
Usaquén is the 1st locality of Bogotá, capital of Colombia. It is located in the north of the city.
This craft market is probably the largest of its kind in the northern Ecuador. Buy some original hand-made souvenirs here!
A small, atmospheric street lined with restaurants, shops and more. A great place for a walk and near other attractions.
A museum run by public cultural organisation, housing folk art and craft as well as a shop, where you can buy traditional hand-made goods.
San Bartolo Coyotepec is a town and municipality located in the center of the Mexican state of Oaxaca.